THanks again in regards to:'Dynamic user input example: I don't understand the suggestion.'This is done in every language, I think you guys missed the user friendly part of language creation that the PHP folks got so well and why their learning curve is nill.
Basically a screen shows a test input and a submit field with a label asking their question. On submit the server captures the user's input and saves it as various scoped variables for user later one as in 'welcome back Henry' It teaches user hwo the language handles variables specifically user input via the request and response approach of a http action of POST or GET.
So on the second screen you would see a page that says welcome what ever the user input. This 'var' can then be stored in various scopes i.e. persisted e.g. db, session (only for that user) and application for all users as in a chat, the default of course being page or per request. So how a language deals and allows the programmer to deal with variables whether via user input or by the programmer is an essential tool to help them understand how it works.
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