Hi JP,
Many thanks for the reply, I think I'm getting closer now but I still can't get applications to start in Tomcat Manager.
Following on form your notes I've recrated my installation in a more logical form and verified that Tomcat itself starts up OK. My Tersus / Tomcat structure now looks like this:
Tersus Applications: /opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic
Tersus Server: /opt/steve/tersus/tersus-server
Tomcat: /opt/steve/tomcat
Just to test things out I'm using the Requisitions sample application / tutorial that came with Tersus Studio. I've created a directory inside my Tersus Applications root (/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic) and called it 'req'. So the path is /opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic/req Inside that are the elements of the Requisitions application: 'database' (HSQL), 'models', 'trace' & 'work' directories. I've then used the sample context file you kindly supplied, modified it to fit my file structure, named it req.xml and placed it into /opt/steve/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost
After shutting down & restarting Tomcat (5.5) Tomcat Manager does now see that there's a 'req' application waiting to be started and the display name is now correctly shown as 'Tersus'. However when I try to start the application Tomcat Manager tells me; 'FAIL - Application at context path /req could not be started.
I've copied the modified req.xml context file at the end of this message. Would you be kind enough to help me find out what's wrong with it please? I'm sure once I have one application successfully starting I'll be fine, it's just this is my first! :-)
Thanks again JP.
<!-- Context configuration file template for deployment of a Tersus application using Tomcat 5.5.x Placeholders should be replaced with appropriate values. See the deployment documentation at http://www.tersus.org/documentation/deployment for details--><Context path="/" docBase="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-server" debug="3" privileged="true"> <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator" disableProxyCaching="false"/> <Parameter name="trace" value="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic/trace" override="true"/> <Parameter name="repository_root" value="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic/models"/> <Parameter name="root_system" value="/"/> <Parameter name="model_libraries" value="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-server/WEB-INF/common.trl"/> <Parameter name="local_web_directories" value="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic/web"/> <Parameter name="timestamp_file" value="/opt/steve/tersus/tersus-applic/.timestamp"/> <Parameter name="init_db" value="true"/> <Parameter name="check_db" value="true"/> <Parameter name="dev_mode" value="true"/> <!-- Setup of the 'Main' DataSource --> <Resource name="jdbc/Main" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" type="javax.sql.DataSource" username="root" password="XXX" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull" validationQuery="select now()"/> <!-- Authentication setup If your application does not require authentication (i.e. it does not use the Authorization module), comment out the following Realm element. --> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="0" driverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull" connectionName="root" connectionPassword="XXX" userTable="Users" userRoleTable="User_Roles" userNameCol="User_ID" userCredCol="Password" roleNameCol="Role"/></Context>
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