It is interesting how people sometimes find they have changed during the process of learning a new technology.
Here is a mail sent a couple of month ago by
Joel Barel:
Several days ago I asked one of our Burmese developers how the Tersus modeling experience (1 year now) has affected his programming skills.
He said that Tersus is very easy to use, very fast, definitely better etc. and then he said there is one major problem he cannot overcome...
I asked him: “what is it?”
And he answered: “sometimes at home, I still use traditional coding for certain projects that friends are asking me to help with. I often look at the lines of code in concentration, figuring out in my head what needs to be added or changed, and then instinctively looking to drag with the mouse the required Tersus building blocks (which of course aren’t there), finding myself trying to model on a code-editor... “
Ofer & Youval
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