This application is available online.
You don't need to download and install the Tersus Platform in order to try the application. It is hosted by Tersus Software, enabling free access by users worldwide.
Click here to try the application in your browser (username and password are both 'Guest').
Using Drill Down:
Once the application loads, choose a pump, then press the 'Go' button.
In the displayed picture, click on any point where the mouse displays a "clickable" cursor sign.
As the pictures arer displayed, keep clicking on "clickable" cursor signs to drill down to ever smaller parts of the machine, until you get to a black and white sketch of the part. At this stage, click on one of the numbers pointing to the part:

This will open a pop-up with more part details, price and an 'Order Part' button.
After adding parts to the shopping basket, click on the 'Shopping Basket' icon to checkout.
Downloading installation/repair/inspections instructions:
During the drill down phase, 4 types of icons may apper (if the part has that documentation type of documentation) - repair insturctions, inspection instructions, recommended parts, and part photo:

Using Search:
Currenlty the database is a bit "sparse" and searching only works for a few parts that are included in the database: JJE-1,JJE-2, JJE-3, JJE-5, JJE-KIT, JJR-4, RB018000,RB018003.