Appears | Check whether an object appears among others (including lists) | | | |
Count | Count all inputs (object instances) | | | |
Create | Create an instance of an object | | | |
Exclude from List | Remove from a list the occurrences of an object (or a list of objects) | | | |
Exists | Check if any input is received | | | |
Find Elements | Traverse a hierarchy of objects to find elements that match given criteria | | | |
First | Get the first item from a list of objects | | | |
Get Map Entry | Retrieve a value from a map | | | |
Get Numbered Item | Get a specific item from a list of objects | | | |
Group Items | Separate a list of items into groups | | | |
Insert Numbered Item | Insert an item into a specific index in a list of objects | | | |
Last | Get the last item from a list of objects | | | |
Merge | Merge two lists of objects | | | |
Put Map Entry | Put an entry in a map (add or replace) | | | |
Range | Get a list (in increasing order) of all the integers between two numbers | | | |
Remove Numbered Item | Remove an item from a specific index in a list of objects | | | |
Sort | Sort objects | | | |
Unique Items | Get the unique items among multiple objects (including lists) | | | |