Advanced Find | Retrieve selected records from a database table | | | |
Call Procedure | Call a stored procedure | | | |
Commit | Commit (save) all updates in the current database transaction | | | |
Database Query | Perform an SQL statement that queries database table(s) | | | |
Database Update | Perform an SQL statement that updates database table(s) | | | |
Delete | Delete a record from a database table | | | |
Find | Retrieve selected records from a database table | | | |
Get Catalogs | Retrieve the database catalogs | | | |
Get Columns | Retrieve the details of the columns in a given database table | | | |
Get Schemas | Retrieve the database schemas | | | |
Get Tables | Retrieve the details of the database tables | | | |
Insert | Add a record to a database table | | | |
Rollback | Rollback (cancel) all updates in the current database transaction | | | |
SQL Batch | Executes the given SQL batch, which may return multiple results | | | |
Sequence Number | Get the next free sequence number | | | |
Update | Replace a record in a database table | | | |