Absolute Number | Returns the absolute value of a Number | | | |
Add | Calculate the sum of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Average | Calculate the arithmetic mean of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Compare | Compare two numbers | | | |
Convert Number to Text | Convert a number to text | | | |
Convert Text to Number | Convert a text to a number | | | |
Decrement | Decrement a number by one | | | |
Divide | Divide two numbers | | | |
Equal | Check whether multiple numbers are equal | | | |
Equal with Tolerance | Check whether two numbers are 'more or less' equal | | | |
Greater | Check whether a number is greater than another | | | |
Greater or Equal | Check whether a number is greater than or equal to another | | | |
Increment | Increment a number by one | | | |
Is Zero | Check whether a number is equal to zero | | | |
Maximum | Get the biggest of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Minimum | Get the smallest of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Multiply | Calculate the product of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Negative | Check whether a number is negative | | | |
Negative or Zero | Check whether a number is negative or zero | | | |
Positive | Check whether a number is positive | | | |
Positive or Zero | Check whether a number is positive or zero | | | |
Product | Calculate the product of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |
Random Number | Generate a random number | | | |
Round | Round a number to specified precision | | | |
Smaller | Check whether a number is smaller than another | | | |
Smaller or Equal | Check whether a number is smaller than or equal to another | | | |
Square Root | Get the rounded positive square root of a number. | | | |
Subtract | Subtract two numbers | | | |
Sum | Calculate the sum of multiple numbers (including lists) | | | |