Binary to Text | Convert a binary buffer to a text string | | | |
Compute Hash | Compute the hash string of a given text | | | |
Concatenate | Concatenate several inputs | | | |
Create Text from Template | Use a freemarker template to create text | | | |
Decode URL | Decodes form-url-encoded text | | | |
Encode URL | Encodes text using form-url-encoding | | | |
Ends with | Check whether a text ends with a given suffix | | | |
Equal | Check whether multiple texts are equal | | | |
Escape HTML | Escapes a string using HTML character entities | | | |
Escape Regex | Quotes text characters which serve as constructs in a regular expression pattern, so that they will be treated literally | | | |
Escape Text | Escapes a text string using various web standards, such as HTML, XML, JSON (based on Apache's StringEscapeUtils) | | | |
Extract | Extracts a segment from a string of text | | | |
Get Position | Finds the position (index) of the first occurence of a segment of text within a longer text | | | |
HTML Filter | Filter HTML text to exclude potentially malicious content | | | |
Is Empty | Check whether a text string is of length 0 | | | |
Length | Get the length of a text string | | | |
Lower Case | Convert a text string to lower case | | | |
Match | Check whether a text string matches a given pattern | | | |
Prepare Text Template | Prepare a freemarker template | | | |
Read Lines | Efficiently extract lines from a large text file | | | |
Replace | Replace all occurrences of a string in a text by another string | | | |
Split | Break a text string into a sequence of sub-strings | | | |
Starts with | Check whether a text starts with a given prefix | | | |
Text to Binary | Convert a text string to a binary buffer | | | |
Trim | Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a text | | | |
Unescape HTML | Replaces HTML charcter entities with actual characters | | | |
Unescape Text | Unescapes a text string using various web standards, such as HTML, XML, JSON (based on Apache's StringEscapeUtils) | | | |
Upper Case | Convert a text string to upper case | | | |