I understand your point of view, I wanted to test accelerometer present in 1.4.4, not in 1.3.59.
I plan to develop iphone apps with Tersus and I'm already ADC member.
BTW, I think it's always good to have beta feedback, no? :)
So here's my last "encounter":
following iphone tuto, I created a second database with wizard for categories. Somehow it creates a link with the existing database and/or mix both and/or doesn't record the second database NAME (it should be categories in my case, not Table), populating it with empty records (exact number regarding to entries in first database, hence the link-mix presumption).
first database "items" with "stuff" field (PK), user input
second database "categories" with "name" field (PK), user input
and when you try to add a record, you get:
A processing error has occurred:
Failed to execute SQL statement 'INSERT INTO Table (name) VALUES (?)':
Exception Type:Try to insert null into a non-nullable column: column: STUFF table: TABLE in statement [INSERT INTO Table (name) VALUES (?)]
Error Location: top row/categories/categories/Dialog/categories/Header Row/Action Header Group/New/Enter Details/Footer/Save/Save New/Perform Action/Insert
It's just to help you, I'll switch back to 1.3.59 :)
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