List Item is the most commonly used element within a List.
It models a single row in the list, and by default it contains the following elements:
- Thumbnail - The item's icon (an Image)
- Title - The item's name (a Text Display with big font)
- Details - Additional details on the item (a second Text Display)
- Arrow - The > symbol (to be used when the user should click the row to invoke some action)
- <On Click> - an action which will implement whatever you want to do when the item is clicked. If the item is not clickable, delete both Arrow and <On Click>.
Sample modeling: Guestbook, which results:
An alternative to the above is the Dual Display element, which is useful if you want to toggle between two displays. It contains two containers (Option 1 and Option 2), and the display switches between them on each click. For sample modeling see Sales Dashboard.