Fixed:- improved Logout handling while Tersus server is offline: connection is no longer waiting 10 sec (1 sec now). Proxy is handling Logout in two ways: if application is reloaded, Logout returns Logged in message (no call to Tersus server). If application is closing (user is browsing outside of the application area), Tersus server is called (returning Logged out message even server is offline).- improved Timestamp: Tersus server is not called anymore, except for the first time (caching). Timestamp will always return Guest user (part of the future plan).- cookies bug: same cookie (JSESSION) was used across different applications. Now each application use separate cookie generated by the Tersus server.Planed:- replace basic authentication (insecure) by digest access authentication (secure)- direct HTTP calls (POST) to the Tersus server (optional, configurable). Advantage: faster, no proxy calls: Disadvantage: Tersus server host or ip address exposed to the client.
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