I was looking more at the code obfuscation side. Re-reading the OP I can see that it's running in Tersus Studio: Ok, from that perspective (unintentional pun...) I can see that it would be a problem.
What I had in mind after the initial read was:
PHP Proxy to Tersus running without Eclipse/Studio (http://www.tersus.com/#Id=242) and obfuscate the PHP code (http://www.phpprotect.info/ or http://www.pipsomania.com/best_php_obfuscator.do).
Whilst it wouldn't prevent someone determined to get through, it should preclude the occasional attempt to get at the 'code'.
Other than that, perhaps an Eclipse plugin (if it's hosted on Studio) or something the Tersus guys could implement in Tersus Server. It would be a pity if it were only available in the Commercial version as it isn't reliant on the database in use.
On that note, personally, I wouldn't mind a decent subscription service to Tersus where a feature list was worked through. Or, if possible to implement, a system whereby a feature was voted on and then funded by donations (akin to how this is done here: http://www.3drad.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=c93cf17c53f0f351aaa7e8bff87221ab&board=6.0).
End rant :)
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