Guestbook App This tutorial uses an old version of Tersus - here is a newer version In this tutorial we'll show how to easily create a simple iPhone/Android application that allows you to save and display the details and pictures of people you meet. Development Stages The tutorial is comprised of 5 stages, each containing a detailed explanation and screenshots: Stage 1 - Creating the application Stage 2 - Opening a form to record visitor details Stage 3 - Taking a picture Stage 4 - Saving visitor details and picture Stage 5 - Displaying the saved data (guestbook) Stage 1 - Creating the application Launch the Tersus Studio, version 2.1.8 or higher (on Windows - Tersus Visual Programming Platform; on Mac - Tersus).If this is the first time you are using the studio, you will see a Welcome screen, which you should close before you continue. Create a new Tersus application "Guestbook": Select File -> New Tersus Project Project name: Guestbook Template: Native Mobile Application Click Finish (a new Tersus project is created, and you see the top level diagram of the application, which contains a single screen <Mobile View>). On the right side of the Studio you can see the Palette, which contains the building blocks we will shortly use to build our application. On the left side you see the Repository, which contains all the application components. Double click <Mobile View> to zoom into it. The model already contains a single default page called Page 1 (our application will be a simple one, consisting of a single page, but it is also possible to create applications with multiple pages and allow the user to navigate between them). Rename the page: Right click Page 1, select Rename, type Visitors (instead of Page 1), and press Finish. Similarly, rename the main page button: Zoom (double click) into Visitors, then zoom into Header, and rename Button to New. Our application doesn't contain much yet, but we can already run it. Save the application and press the launch button in the upper toolbar (). The application will start within your browser, in a screen simulating an iPhone: While you can use Firefox and Internet Explorer for testing, it is recommended that you switch to a browser based on webkit, such as Safari, Chrome and the mobile browsers, which provide a closer experience to the actual native application. This will become an imperative in stage 4, which requires access to a client-side database.Switching is as easy as opening the webkit browser and copying the url from the original browser. You can also change the default browser opened by the Studio via Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser. Stage 2 - Opening a form to record visitor details
In this tutorial we'll show how to easily create a simple iPhone/Android application that allows you to save and display the details and pictures of people you meet.
The tutorial is comprised of 5 stages, each containing a detailed explanation and screenshots:
While you can use Firefox and Internet Explorer for testing, it is recommended that you switch to a browser based on webkit, such as Safari, Chrome and the mobile browsers, which provide a closer experience to the actual native application. This will become an imperative in stage 4, which requires access to a client-side database.Switching is as easy as opening the webkit browser and copying the url from the original browser. You can also change the default browser opened by the Studio via Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser.
Stage 2 - Opening a form to record visitor details
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