Is there any way to do the following? I have modelled a tabbed pane containing three text input address fields, each max.length 35 characters. I'd like to have the field (address2) on tab2 (and the field [address3] on tab3) get the focus automatically if the user enters 35 characters - the address line being entered can spill over into the next 'line'. I don't want to use text area input because I need to control how the data are stored - i.e. in (max) 3 lines of (max) 35 chars each.
I'm guessing that one solution will involve using counting characters, using an event handler - such as onKeyUp - with a Run Javascript element. If so, I also need some explanation on exactly how to use Run Javascript - experiments have led to errors involving syntax and Expected ';' and Expected ')' and I can't find any documentation on the use of this element.
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